I loved him.
All the men in the pub, including my man knew of my love.
It is funny in life when you meet a kindred spirit, he was exactly that.
I best explain...
Dave used to come into the pub with a gang of, not to put too fine a point on it...
old duffers. Loud and highly intellectual they to a man, were full of vim and vigour and a joy to be with. Dave with his long grey hair was set apart. An ex public school teacher who was the butt of their affectionate jokes. The reason, he was very deaf. He would sit missing most of what went on around him, quite content sinking real ale and imbibing the general bonhomie. All my life I have been an old man’s darling, now I have joined their ageing ranks, nothing much has changed!
Dave and I sealed our new found
love with the age old custom of giving and receiving gifts. His to me, the badge with an ear on to denote his disability. Mine to him my head girls badge. On seeing this he said
love with the age old custom of giving and receiving gifts. His to me, the badge with an ear on to denote his disability. Mine to him my head girls badge. On seeing this he said
‘I can’t take that, it is precious!’
My reply
‘Think about it Dave, am I honestly Head girl material?’
On considering it for a moment he graciously accepted. Our love was sealed for all to see with our love tokens clapped proudly on our chests. No man dared to come between us.
We talked, as best we could
‘I enjoy talking to you, you
enunciate so well!’
enunciate so well!’
Who knew!?!
Sadly this week he died.
Four years ago he was told he had six weeks to live. He determined then to enjoy what time he had left, drinking, loving and making merry.