
Thursday, 31 October 2019

Today we are...

standing smartly to attention not at the bottom of our bed but Ellie’s two beds.
There’s not many dogs that boast their own bedroom.  Ellie does!
Before you start to think... how grand, don’t, because her night bed is in the funny room that we haven’t got a clue what to do with.  So until we do she snoozes in her own space.
The reason we are twitching is because any mo now Boudicca’s chariot will park up and she will sweep in to put us through our paces.  I haven’t told himself but I’m secretly looking forward to hearing what she has to say and where we are going so horribly wrong.  The thing is with Tish, I didn’t get this uptight, is it an age thing I wonder?  Also Ted is a stickler for doing things correctly whereas me, all my life I’ve winged it.  That on balance is why his life has following a boring steady as you go sort of path, mine as a as fart in a colander looking for a hole to get out trajectory.  I’ve had a great deal of fun, he I’m not so sure? 
Funny how in my dotage his sensible-ness keeps me grounded while my on occasions madcap carrying-on brightens his frightfully dull demeanour.  Could that be why we are going for a Masters in all things DOG, I idly wonder?


  1. I personally don't think you are doing anything wrong. It takes time to win trust. I had a collie lurcher that was highly strung. It took years to get him over his fears we had him from 15 weeks old and I never thought I would ever get him out of the house so terrified was he. Then when I did he would only go one way. He chased everything that moved traffic, bikes runners children anything that moved. I kept up the reward training until he got to a level I could manage. There were days I would sit and weep thinking I could not go on. However, I learnt what his triggers were and dealt with them. I took on another rescue female who was the love of his life and eventually he calmed down and began to enjoy life. We walked miles each day and had some wonderful holidays the best being by the sea which he loved. He was my soul dog and I miss him everyday, I learnt that he was highly intelligent and was always 2 steps ahead of me. For all the down sides there were many laugh out loud times with him as he was a real clown.

    Sorry for the long spiel I think I am trying to say that you will get there. I hope Boudicca is not of the Harsh school of training as this will set her back.

    1. Wow, thank you, a lot to take on board. Yes, I agree about the labour of love you devote to a dog. Tish my other rescue collie was six months old when she came into my life, she was never in all the fifteen years I had her, a big brave dog, but what a joy she was. That was why it took us six years to decide to have another. I was so afraid I would be constantly comparing and that just wouldn’t be fair. Well that myth has been laid to rest as Ellie, yes has a lot of bad stuff, but not one bad bone in her body, she is gentle and I can see she will come round to being a much braver dog than Tish ever was.

      Don’t be sorry for the lovely thoughtful and encouraging comment it was just what I needed. And Boudicca was very encouraging and said as Ted saw her out we were doing a great job, that we were overthinking things! She’s right of course!


  2. I'm sure all you're doing wrong is worrying about it all too much! Not to mention I would take any dog trainers 'instruction' with a bit of a pinch of salt as I find their own dogs 'too well behaved'! Is that a thing? I want a dog with a bit of its own personality and character, not a robot. I'm sure you'll manage to get to a point where you are all happy - eventually - even Ted lol. x

    1. Right in one MG. Overthunking, story of our lives, or at least his life. Me, guilty as charged Mi Lud... underthunking!

      She is a good woman, odd, direct and we will see how the training goes, got a feeling that it will be a breeze!?! Ellie interestingly enough was all over her... some might say animal magnetism?


    2. Just popped on to tell you my daughter bought your 'machine to calm dogs' for her very nervous of fireworks dog and so far its working a treat! Its still on audible mode till he gets used to it and when we have him it about drives us nuts but he's cool as a cucumber! We're thinking there might be quite a few tonight before the big finale on Tuesday. So far there's been a few here and they explode like bombs. Our dog's not that bothered about it but my daughters dog shivers for hours. I'll let you know how it goes, my daughter says 'thanks for the tip'! x

    3. Try it on inaudible, we start it off on audible then after half hour swop. Trouble for me with dodgy ears I think I can still hear the ruddy thing! So pleased that her little pooch is seeming to feel the calming effects, pity they can’t tell us. Although just by their change in demeanour that’s a big enough clue.

      Thanks for letting me know, it’s always good to pass on a tip and more importantly to get feed back.


  3. Sounds like the training session went quite well? I agree with Marksgran regarding being too " trained". As long as they get on with other dogs and people, , don't bite, and come back when called I think that is all they need to do. There is a brilliant page on Face Book called " Canine Enrichment Ideas" that has many great suggestions from USA and UK people and their dogs, as to how to entertain and occupy your dog. Oddly, I just went to FB to check on the exact name and there was a collie video doing something !!

  4. Frances I don’t do facebook, but thanks all the same for the suggestion. Ellie is good with dogs it’s just people especially men she has a problem with. Having lived on a farm she isn’t yet accustomed to walking along our quiet streets. Something will spook her and she will want to rush home. How she will get on with bonfire night I have no idea? She is a funny dog with lots of hang ups, which over time we will help her with. In the meantime we just need to be patient.



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...