
Friday, 20 December 2019

A small act...

 of kindness, completely unlooked for blew me away.

This book I had got from the library and planned to read over Christmas.  Having read Andrew Miller’s book
‘Now We Shall Be Entirely Free’
I had put a request in for
‘Pure’ which I was saving to savour as my Christmas read.  A cunning plan: however when I came to renew it on-line, it was due to be returned on 23 December, I found as a request had been made I was unable to renew.  Should I hang on to it and pay the fine or take it back and immediately put in another request? I decided I would enable the next person to enjoy the book over Christmas so today a couple of days early I took it back.  I explained what I was proposing, the chap on the desk said as we were this close to Christmas and I  would in the normal course of events be able to renew for just one week if a request was registered, he would allow me the week and as the library was closed over Christmas and new year I would have time to read at leisure the much anticipated book.
How I managed to not jump over the counter and give him a huge Christmas kiss I’ll never know...
I’m such a tart!


  1. Lovely! Nice to deal with considerate thinking people

    1. Yes and how considerate was I not to inflict my bristly chin on his even more bristly one!?!


  2. Things are looking up! How nice of him and how nice to get such a nice surprise. Do you feel nice might be my word of the day here?? I don't think I'll have much time to read anything for the next two weeks as we're going out much more than would be my preference and I've just today decided to have a wee get together for our neighbours next week. We have three new neighbours, two to one side and one across the road and as we've always been lucky to have lovely neighbours I decided it might be nice (that word again) to get them all together with some of the other oldies. In the dark winter days you don't see people about as much as in summer so it would be nice (good grief I have an affliction) to meet them all at once. Anyway, have a lovely christmas and I hope your book is all you're hoping for.xx

    1. Your free and some might said a tad OTT use of the word nice reminded me of a family joke. Auntie Margarine my father’s sister and her gay son Peter always said ‘How nice!’ when their face like a smacked arse said the polar opposite. Never ones to experiment they were stuck very firmly in a rut. Our small family, Mum, Dad and me laughed afterwards fit to bust!


  3. How lovely and thoughtful of him to do that. I hope you have the time to read it right through.

    1. In his honour I will be sure to make the time.


  4. I like libraries. At least, I like yours and mine.

    1. The weird, wonderful and informative things you find when you’re not even looking!


  5. I am so glad that you support your local library. Three cheers for that librarian. Unexpected kindness is very powerful. Just as well you didn't leap over that counter though, goodness knows what it would have led to - traction, possibly?

    1. It was one of the first things we did when we moved to Ludlow. I just adore libraries and ours has a table of treasures of books that to date I have found superb. No riffling through shelf upon shelf of unknown authors.



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...