
Sunday 21 June 2020

I got to thinking...

the world as we know it is changing.
No, no, not only what you think I am thinking.
But, grammaticals, or to put it more succinctly the use of words, the punctuation, the proliferation  of exclamation and questions marks: guilty, as charged me lud!  The no-no of things like, not too long a sentence, no repeating of the same word, which I actually love to do. Starting a sentence with And... ditto.  These blooming dots peppering prose like measles or better yet chicken pox, far more pus! Using words that don’t really exist, this I absolutely blooming love.  My thinking is folk get it, do they?  Maybe? Not sure?  If my complete ignorance of the finer points of words wandering across a page people don’t like, they can chose not to read it.
My head spins with things for my blog, I draw on past experiences,  funny things that happen on a daily basis.
The man looks at me strangely at times, well most times if I am being honest.  He’s been here experienced the same things, although through the prism of his eye, probably hasn’t seen the same set of circumstances as I have.

I am an only child, that may account for my living happily in my head, processing thoughts with a fish eye?

In lockdown I find my ability to converse one to one with passing 
2 metre neighbours has diminished.
Never one for small talk, I now find myself happier talking twaddle on my blog.

Ellie this morning.


  1. I love a good exclamation mark! You might have noticed this already! I think its sad that our language skills - certainly the written words - are slipping. Punctuation is a thing of the past. I believe spelling is no longer corrected in school (it cramps the wee precious ones style apparently!!) Not sure about punctuation, though I suspect the same applies. I must admit to being a blether.(you might have also spotted this!) I could chat for Britain although strangely, at parties and such I find I'm less able to 'small talk'. My neighbours love me cos they are mostly elderly (more elderly than me anyway) and love to have a chat. The weather keeps us going for hours lol.
    I'm glad you're enjoying 'chatting' on your blog. I'm enjoying reading it. AND have you ever seen such a happy comfortable dog as Ellie in her bed?! Have a nice day!! xx

    1. I think our use of exclamation marks says a lot about us MG... mind you, I’m not sure what? In my sniffier moments I think the best writers don’t rely on such common punctuation marks, very red top. My WSD (wicked step daughter) says I write exactly as I speak, whenever she reads my emails she hears me in her mind’s eye, as it were!?! They don’t call me the cliche queen for nowt you know.

      Ellie is one happy chilled dog these days. A joy!


  2. I'm with Ellie, happy and content! Give me a good story, never mind punctuation, exclamation marks and so-on, not important to me! Who cares? I don't!! Got only little time left, dammed if I worry about the little things!
    Love to make small talk, it is the beginning to get to know someone...later we talk about the 'Big" things!
    Never taken an English lesson, what you see is what you get...wrong spelling and punctuations!!!

    1. Good for you Moni, I am with you on this, although like Les Dawson playing the piano, you need to know how before you can throw the rule book out of the window, at least that's my thinking?


  3. I can't exist without my exclamation marks; they are often the only way to denote I'm saying something with humour. I'm hot on spelling though as a wrong spelling jumps off the page at me (unless it's MY mistake and I don't re-read what I've written.)
    Isn't that just the best picture of absolute bliss? Ellie totally relaxed and chilled.

    1. I fire off replies and even my blog posts, it is only afterwards I then think to proof read what I have sent? What really annoys me is the predictive text or whatever powers that be, think they know better than me what I want to say and between me hitting the publish button and it arriving at its destination they only go and ruddy change it! The cheek of it!

      Ellie this morning was having a Sunday morning lie in, completely oblivious to having had her picture taken she slumbered on.


  4. As long as the words paint a picture, tell a story, or get the information out there, it shouldn't really matter ultimately if their arrangement and the 'decorations' break a few rules. Rules are simply a way to define the 'in-crowd'.

  5. Just go for it and let the words flow!!

    Lovely picture of a relaxed Ellie

    1. That’s what I tend to do, go with the flow, another blooming cliche! You can’t keep a good’un down.

      Ellie has completed our little family here in Ludlow.


  6. When I read back a comment or whatever, I usually have to take out an exclamation mark or 2! I also realised a year or so ago, that when I do a line of dots......thus.....it could often be replaced by a colon or semi of the same. I went to a girls'grammar school and was very well taught many things re grammar, but nevere understood the use of the colon. I shall continue with dots ! ...and exclamation marks !
    Love the pic of Ellie.....that is one very happy, comfortable dog.

    1. Yes, very similar to you, I have forgotten a lot of what I was taught at school, I wouldn’t mind but English was my subject, I loved it.

      Ellie is a joy to have around, she is the sweetest dog, not one mean bone in her body... wish I could say the same!?!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...