
Wednesday 29 July 2020

Dog training...

or should I say human training?
We have found the loveliest dog trainer Helen, who is a joy to work with.  She came to us for the second time yesterday and put us through our lead work.
The husband’s concentration and skill rival that of a dog sniffing the air to locate the nearest bitch on heat... focussed!
Me, well I was more the wriggly pup who only wanted to roll over and have her tum tickled!
When I struggle with something I revert to my usual mucking about persona, which let’s face it doesn’t help Ellie or me come to think about it?  
It didn’t go well!
 Not for me, anyroad!?!
Twinkle Toes Ted went to the top of the class.  Whereas me, here I sit facing the wall with a dunces hat on knocking out this.
Mind you with words, his prose is the clunking sort that only a police officer could knock out...

‘Hello, hello hello, what’s going on ‘ere?’ type of thing.
That doesn’t stop me hating him though, as he sparkles with doggy fairy dust!  Mincing about with well behaved dog in tow!

I shamble along with dog on a Zeebeedee spring bouncing beside!?!
On arrival home Helen obviously thought a little light homework was in order, strange how mine was three pages while his was three lines?

I can see my report...
‘Must try harder!’
Story of my life really, in one short sentence.


  1. Human training does come first! Well done all

    1. Today, as per teacher’s instructions we are taking her in the field, letting her run, then settling to doing it properly, after the fun bit. Sound like a plan? Fingers crossed I can do it!


  2. I'm sure you'll settle down to work in your own time! Either that or Ted will always have the upper hand - can you bear it? lol xx

    1. We took her in the field for additional training and after running off her exuberance, as soon as she saw the treats she was bouncing off all four paws with excitement. She did settle though! Then this afternoon on Clee Hill walking back to the car we put her once again on the lead and she was much better. It is just me now that needs the special needs class!


  3. That's a tough verdict. It depends on what you want, what you'll do.


This is...

  Doris... This is her offspring... Back in the days of us living in Ludlow my son and family came to stay.  They loved my bread so much I o...