
Saturday, 23 November 2019

A funny few...

weeks!  A mixed bag of things.
We kicked the obedience classes into touch.  
Ellie is a total joy: she, since the day before yesterday is free to run. I plucked up the courage to drop her lead and let her go with the six foot long lead trailing behind.  Not many minutes later I un-clipped her, making sure that we had lots of treats to encourage her return.  She was joyous at being free, the sight was enough to swell your heart; just seeing her do what collies do...
run and jump with spring in her step.
Today, we weren’t long out of the car when bravely I once more took her lead off,  A few metres away she stopped looked back and realised the woods were there for her unfettered to explore,  She was off soonest on the trail of a squirrel.  That I must say gave me a qualm as she was single-mindedly  hot in pursuit.  I called, she came back eventually without too much of a problem.  I didn’t panic just stood still until the squirrel did what squirrels do... shot up a tree!
From then on it was superb to see her enjoying her first real taste of freedom.  
As the vet said she will be more
worried about losing us than us losing her!  And he was right! 
She does still pull on the lead, that I think over time we will sort.

My old boss being in the news is an interesting one?
Who do you believe these days?  The stories put out by folk in high places or politicians?  Personally, sad to say,I don’t believe a word any of them trot out!  That makes me sad to think maybe I am becoming cynical or
maybe just plain realistic?


  1. How fun you can let your dog run off leash. Maybe I will get some training to allow my dog Bounce to do that. As it is now I don't trust him to come back!

    1. Try trusting him, obviously in a safe place where if he doesn’t want to return he won’t be able to seriously run away.

      Lettice my much loved dog before Ellie, on one occasion in the woods wouldn’t come back to my call. I just sat on a log and turned away from her, after a minute or two of my obvious indifference she came and the first thing I knew she was with me was her nudging my back. I think the vet has it spot on... they are more worried of losing you than the other way around!


  2. I don't follow the cartoon, though I recognize Boris. I do know what the dog is up to, though, and my heart sings, too.

  3. Peter Brookes is a cartoonist on the Times, he always seems to get it right on the nose with the parlous state of our parliament. Politicians the world over seem to me to have lose all credibility. Now onto more important matters...

    Ellie is growing in confidence every day: to see her full of vim and vigour running and jumping in the woods is priceless. Coming back to the call initially with treats, and then to just check we were there. On one occasion a whippet appeared, she came and stood between us both as if for protection. She at least from her time in the rescue centre doesn’t have a problem with dogs, just humans... and who can blame her?


  4. Lovely to hear the progress with Ellie. I am lucky ( or maybe I have just trained him well?) that my schnauzer comes back when called 95% of the time. He is even better coming back to a whistle. I think I may have told you about that before? I just stood in the kitchen with the whistle, dog and some ham and cheese. Blew the whistle gave treat , repeat 5/6 times and he got the message! Just cheap any old whistles from Amazon......I think I got 6 for a £1.....!

    1. Yes the whistle will be introduced slowly, trouble with that is you do hear others in the forest using a whistle, could confuse the issue a tad? My dulcet commanding foghorn voice should suffice!?!


  5. How lovely to hear of Ellie's progress. How happy she sounds. You too I imagine. It really is a joy to see a dog running joyously through a field isn't it. Our dog knows the difference in my voice should it be required! It goes from that sing songy 'come Sonny' to the ferocious 'COME NOW SONNY'!!
    I agree about our wonderful leaders and losers, they talk mince (as we say here in Scotland!) Not a true word among them. The only thing Pres T...p brought to the world - the phrase 'fake news' has never been so apt. x

    1. To see her emerge as a happy and bouncy dog is a joy to experience.

      How many folk in the land believe one word of what to a man they are all promising? Hardly anyone, I suspect? If only the Monster Raving Looney Party was still doing the rounds, that is a party I would vote for. Screaming Lord Sutch wouldn’t so much as turn in his grave as do an impression of the Cern Hadron Collider on speed.



  6. This all sounds really positive and joyful, long may it continue.

    1. Sorry Elaine, only just seen this. Ellie is making huge progress every day, she is almost like a normal chilled, loved since a pup dog. The road walking is getting a little better, even trogging through Ludlow, admittedly when things are winding down, we made the husband’s favourite pub for early doors on Friday. He is needless to say like a dog with two tails!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...