
Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Any suggestions for...

a women’s group I could join?
Over the years I have given thousands of talks to WI groups, Townswomen's Guild, Probus, The Wrens (never been in the Navy!, Rotary, the Masons etc. 
Until now I have never had the desire to join any such groups.
My cousin has a picture of my only visit to the Brownies, there I am sat on the front row with arms crossed and my face a picture.  No one was surprised I never went back!
Now I suddenly have the desire to join something, is this a sign I am becoming old I idly wonder.
My trouble is I have the attention span of a knat  and get bored when folk waffle on endlessly about stuff.  At the mother and toddler groups I did occasionally grace with my presence I got so blooming hacked off with the talk of little Willy’s potty training that I would lob in an odd hand grenade of...
‘What do you think of the current political situation?’

Mouths would open and close in unison as faces frown furrowed with...
‘What the hell is this strange personage on about? I ask you is there anything more important than teething, breast feeding and cackie nappies!?!’

So you see I have a bit of a problem!  Any ideas, suggestions gratefully received.

And before you suggest AA or SW  that would be pure hell as all they would do is sit and talk about booze and food... or maybe not?


  1. Well from what you say I think all that's left to you is to start your own supper club or book club or something. If it's yours you can dictate the terms and conditions of the chat! No nappy chat allowed lol. x

    1. Start my own club, too much like hard work. I well remember sitting at so many WI meetings and the trouble they had getting anyone to step up and do more than attend the meetings. Book club, I would be okay-ish but then would rapidly lose interest if the book wasn’t to my liking and as for ploughing through it just to have something interesting to say the following week doesn’t do it for me MG. I might be more engaged at the Watching Paint Dry club...


  2. Give the WI a try...some groups are lively and you could meet other lively minds.
    Local gardening club? Same again....
    It's a job to say, being this far away, but I have generally started with a club but gone off at a tangent with friendship started there

    1. I think you might have something there gz, especially the bit about finding a kindred spirit. the allotments just opposite where I live have a healthy social side. Trouble is I have only moved a millimetre up the waiting list. Bribery and corruption hasn’t worked either! And at this rate I will be in the soil before I get to till it!


  3. I joined a card group and a book club. The latter made me nuts, but still playing cards.

    1. Please don’t say it’s bridge you play Joanne? Book club is a no-no for me too.


  4. Going to a garden club this afternoon. Sitting for two hours on a hard chair listening to someone go on about why we need lawns will be the low point, especially as it is mostly female. I think book clubs can be a hit or miss affairs. WEA or U3A?

    1. Garden club I am half interested in, although like you I would be bored out of my tree by talk of lawns and my especial hate... dahlias!


  5. New reader of your blog (read the whole thing over the last couple of weeks). Have you tried U3A (university of the 3rd age)? For a £20 (I think) joining fee there are loads of different groups/meetings so there must be something there to whet your appetite. I know what you mean about some groups - my craft club is getting on my nerves at the moment but I am wary of leaving as I do have hermit tendencies which isn't good for me. I am currently thinking about joining the U3A myself as there is a group that meet to do cryptic crossowrds, which I would enjoy for a w hile.

    1. Good to have you here, I am impressed you ploughed through the whole flaming lot! Like you I could oh so easily be a hermit, my boredom threshold is so low it doesn’t take me long to get fed up listening to folk, especially social chit-chat. The U3A I must say is a consideration as they do have lots of break away groups, Made me smile when you said your craft club is getting on your nerves, I totally relate to that. Maybe we are better off just being instead constantly feeling the need to be doing?


    2. Thanks for the welcome. I read the back-posts when I was supposed to be doing housework, so it wasn't entirely wasted-time! Funny thing about you saying we should just "be". When I retired from a very full-on job (over 6 years go now) people kept asking me what I was going to do with my time, and I always replied that I wasn't going to do anything, I was just going to be. As many people discover though time does seem to get filled up with random stuff. Living on my own I try to be aware of not letting myself get too isolated but often swing to the other extreme and gett too involved in things. At the moment I am thinking hard about some of the groups I belong to. One of them in particular I seem to have taken on more of the running of it and am struggling to find a way to pull back without abandoning it completely, although if I have to listen to a certain person's views on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle once more I may stab them with a knitting needle! I try to avoid sitting too near that person. My book groups I enjoy the most (I belong to 2) and although we don't always like or agree on the books we somehow find a way to discuss them, then usually go off at a tangent, then onto some totally unrelated topic, then(sometimes) return to the general theme of the book. Then a few of us go to the pub. I would still read though even if I didn't go the groups.

    3. Reading, one of life’s simple pleasures, with or without book club membership.

      Be true to yourself has always been my motto, not always easy I know.


  6. I'd join any club you're a member of! Trying to find the same thing, but so far, desperately

    1. Thank you! Yes it is a trial to find something exciting and different.


  7. Hope you are OK ? It's been a long gap between posts! Missing you!

    1. I am okay, thanks for the missive to check me out. I did a post last night then thought twice about it! Maybe I’ll bite the bullet and post it anyway!?!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...