
Saturday, 30 November 2019

I’m on the...

cusp of becoming a total 100% fully paid up member of the...
roll of drums please...
sourdough appreciation society, 
can’t talk of anything else, evangelical, seen the light, had a visitation in the middle of the night from some other worldly ectoplasm in the form of squidge, more commonly known as starter.
My starter I love like a mother loves her ugly baby.  I well remember a woman I met in the maternity hospital who was there awaiting the birth of her baby.  When I next saw her I peered into the pram and almost fell back with shock as laid in the pram was quite the ugliest baby I had ever clapped eyes on. 
‘Oh what a characterful chap!’
I eventually said after a pregnant pause.
‘Isn’t he the most beautiful boy?’
Adoration shone from her eyes.  Now my son was the most beautiful boy without shadow of doubt!?!
So there you have it.  I am blind to the roll of eyes, the glazed look, as I endlessly crack on about the joys to all who cross my path.  Like a cow-catcher on the front of a train in the old mid West, I sweep all along in my enthusiasm.  No worries they are not in the least bit interested, I’m on a roll (white sourdough...naturally)
I can claim one scalp, my son a chef; when I mentioned to him in passing about my latest love, his eyes strange to say, rolled...
‘Who is the old girl’s latest squeeze now?’  As hubs says I do have previous!  This time the male of the species can rest easy in their beds as my sights are set firmly on squidge, a harmless obsession I might add!
My son poo-pooed the very idea... ‘Oh yes, we’ve tried it and didn’t have any success!’
He was on their last visit given THE treatment, the sourdough toast for brekkie, a demo, I haven’t cooked on the telly for nothing you know!?!
Sent home with detailed notes, and the starter in the Weck jar with fulsome feeding instructions.
He like a good son has not only grasped the baton but is steaming along in gold medal position.  
Err... only trouble now is I do NOT want him to upstage me.
I love him but not that much... my beautiful boy.

This is today’s loaf, photo’s sent naturally to my first convert.


  1. Ta Das! A cracker indeed, makes perseverance worthwhile.

    1. I am loving the whole experience, I honestly never thought I would be bothered with the feeding the starter, the dividing, the nurturing, the whole kit-kaboodle. I have surprised myself and of course the taste is sublime, added to which, so blooming good for you... what is there not to like?


  2. I am only eating "sourdough" these days, ( it agrees with my tum better) but according to the media not all bread sold as such is the real McCoy! Some of it seems very " hard and dry" especially any with seeds in. Your loaf looks beautiful.....send a slice over!

    1. So good for your gut flora Frances. I could dry some and send you the starter to have a go yourself. I ought to say here that I would expect you to promise to look after it and treat it in a proper manner! That’s how it gets you, a proud clucking old hen.


  3. It looks perfect. What is your next project going to be I wonder!

    1. The sky is the limit Elaine. Bet you’ve given it a go? Says a lot really as to what a very shallow person I am, always chasing rainbows, always looking for the next pash.

      At the mo, I am for some reason this year really struggling with my hand sewn Christmas cards. I am pleased with how they have come out, however every step of the way as been an uphill struggle, no idea why? You are well ahead I see, and I bet this Christmas you will be catering for the masses and you cooking meat when I know you are a vegetarian... respect! You like me, I suspect love every minute of it?


  4. Perhaps you could start a local sourdough appreciation society then you would have a club to join and people who would appreciate the joys of sourdough and its starter (no eyerolling allowed)! I'm afraid I could not be bothered with it all, I'd love to taste yours as it looks delicious and I'm sure it is, however my one try at sourdough did not end well for me but I'll enjoy watching you enjoy yours! x

    1. MG... lassie, you just can’t have ONE go at sourdough, it ain’t possible
      dear heart! Blood sweat (even if you don’t due to being shot at!?!) and tears all come together to make a loaf. You heard it first here!

      I do love, positively love the idea of a newly formed, fresh out of a proving basket... Sourdough Appreciation Society. A cracking idea, may only have me as founder member, chairman, treasurer and tea lady, however it would give me a purpose in my otherwise dull life!


    2. Talking of tea lady, did you ever pass muster to go give tea to people in the hospital? Dull? You? I don't think so! x

    3. Err... no I went in two weeks ago and had them making Christmas cards from fabric and bits of ribbon and interesting artefacts. It went down a storm: haven’t been back since, due to me picking up there I suspect, the most awful cough and cold. I have missed the next two Monday’s due to me still suffering and not keen to go in and spread the bugs back through the system. All in all, my volunteering duties have well and truly hit the buffers. This bug doing the rounds is a miserable little strain... that’s putting it mildly. I will return!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...