
Sunday, 8 December 2019

I’m in a ...

funny place!
Valiantly I soldier on in the grip of this awful cough and cold bug; the like of which I can’t ever remember being in the embrace of? A tenacious little bugger, loathe to let me go. Everything I do is a struggle, being cuss-awkward I am determined not to give in.  All the while I am hot one minute shivery the next and still it lingers.

Cakes get made for the food parcels I send out, my sourdough starter gets all the love I can spare in my weakened state.  Parcels get wrapped, packed and sent.  My Christmas cards are finally finished; this year I can hand on my heart say not made with love in every stitch... just sheer unbridled tenacity.  Why do I make a rod for my own back I idly wonder? Being all things to all men, women, children and now dogs is a blooming strain I don’t mind telling you.  You try getting feet of clay into a glass slipper... 


  1. Replies
    1. Of course you can, the only reason I didn’t take a photograph of them is... they are up in the garden room and I haven’t the energy to trot up the garden to take the aforesaid photo! I will tomorrow, promise!


  2. Yet still, we soldier on!

    1. Why? We make a rod for our own backs and then get disgruntled if folk quite rightly think we are superwoman. On occasions they want to see it from our side? Mind you, we only have our blooming selves to blame!?!


  3. Oh dear......I think " Get well soon" is the saying for today then! Sorry to hear you are struggling. At least you have finished your Xmas cards....I have only just started !

    1. Frances I sew approximately seven cards. Hoist by my own petard... as each year I want to improve on the last. I sit and sew and dream of doing a design just for me. Salvador Dali meets Picasso... trouble with that little dream is... I’m blooming hopeless!


  4. If you are hot/shivery that rings alarm bells for me...not just a cough and cold, your body is working hard to get rid of something...get medical help and don't get fobbed off!! Xx

    1. Thank you for your caring suggestion. Trouble is I am loathe to walk into a waiting room full of a whole new cocktail of germs. I am pretty certain I got this lot from my first and only day at the hospital. I have been too poorly to go back, added to which I am not keen to share the wee beasties around!


    2. You can ask for a phone consultation.....

  5. I love those old pictures of women with some flesh on their bones!
    Now, echoing gw, Get thee to a doctor.

    1. Yes, me too! Although when you see the clothes of that era, they do seem small?

      See above for my take on going to see a doctor. Cantankerous or what?



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...