
Monday, 9 December 2019

This year’s...

 Christmas cards.  
In the grand scheme of things, not top drawer artistical...
however usually I enjoy making them.  Not I am afraid this year. The thing is I can’t really put my finger on why?  I enjoy the deciding what the subject will be and the name I was happy with...

Whether anyone gets why he is 
called that name, I’ve no idea?

Everyone of the seven is slightly different.

They are now on way, so relief that the job is done!


  1. They are so beautiful. You are very creative!

    1. Hardly, but thank you all the same for your comment! I sit at the feet of far more talented artist friends... still I suppose a cat can look at a king!?!


  2. I love your cards I'm sure even though you struggled with them the recipients will be thrilled to receive them. I used to hand make all of mine - all 30! This year I have cut back both the number of cards we send and the ones I make. I've made 12 cards this year to go to 'special' people!
    You sound as though you may have had flu. I did back in May and its no fun at all and it does linger for a while. Drink hot lemon juice with a spoonful each of honey and glycerin in it, its very good for you. I also tend to have steamy baths to loosen everything up when I feel ill too. Take it easy and let your body do its thing and if it becomes necessary to go to the doctors, put on some anti bacterial gel and wear a scarf round your mouth and wear gloves - in winter you can get away with this, not so much in summer - ask me how I know lol. Get well soon. x

    1. Look here MG, I am already known in Ludlow for my strange form of attire, not going to add to my already iffy cutting-edge style! I am though still not feeling 100% so may request a phone consultation. How the mighty has fallen... stIll not too poorly to make stollen sourdough, so not that bad some might say?


  3. What amazing cards....such a lot of work. I bought mine in Poundland......excellent value and surprisingly tasteful ! ( and they don't say on the back where they are from !!) Hope you are feeling better now? X

    1. What a brilliant idea... Poundland... hope your pals don’t read my blog!?! What cheap stakes we are, because I bought my envelopes to send my cards in... yes, you’ve guessed it... the very same shop. Onwards and upwards...


  4. Wow, they are wonderful. I hope the recipients love them. I make mine but as I make 60 so my design is very simple.

    1. Are your home made cards sewn? There is no way I could sew 60 cards. Glad you like them.



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...