
Saturday, 9 November 2019

My love...

for sourdough is growing at the same rate as my waist measurement.


There is something strangely addictive of the whole process.  The alchemy of harvesting the  natural yeasts that are there for the catching.  I plan to concoct an implement similar to a dream catcher.  A fairy wand in order for me to don my frou-frou floaty pointy shimmery dress.  Not forgetting my sparkly tiara of course.  With fleet of foot I will waft around the house waving my wand harnessing any passing interesting yeast spores.

Sound like a plan?


  1. That is the problem with baking tasty bread!

    1. It does seem to have a habit of finding its way into your tum! Pity really because I do enjoy the making of it and am fascinated by the whole process. I am in serious danger of becoming a sourdough bore!


  2. Replies
    1. Yes Joanne there is and she lives in Ludlow. Sadly her wings aren’t big enough to get her podge bod off the ground, otherwise she would fly over to you to catch your yeast spores and make magical bread with a fairy dust topping.


  3. I can see it all in my minds eye! I'll just go and lie down for a while now! ;) x

    1. Not at all surprised MG, the vision of me flitting around with magic wand atremble is not one to file in the memory bank. Best have a rest and think of something lighter and brighter like our politicians!?!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...