
Saturday, 11 January 2020

The princess...

‘She is going to turn into a 
complete madam you know!’

The warning signs in the beginning just weren’t there.  Those beautiful brown appealing eyes, the beautiful lithe figure.  Her sweet and what came across as shy demeanour.  Keen to please.  To do the right thing always just bubbling below the surface. I, like so many were beguiled, drawn in, some might say bewitched?

‘She is so pretty!’
was a oft heard refrain.

Over time things ever so slowly changed, nothing you could put your finger on, just a vague unease.  The power was shifting, at first you thought nothing of it, I must be imagining it?  Her demands became more overt, you found yourself walking on quicksand, careful not to put a foot wrong.

It all came to a head when in  a blinding flash I realised how right they were...

She really is a princess... meet...

HRH Ellie Fullie
‘Her Rescued Highness’

‘Forest Rescue’ named her the
Princess and how right they were.


  1. She would get on well with our little prince! They rule the roost there is no doubt about it. Can I tell you, we recently bought a new chair to replace the old tatty one. The reason the old tatty one had remained here as long as it did was because the prince liked to lie across the back of it to watch the world go by and bark at any dog having the audacity to pass our house! I bought the new chair on the basis that it looked like he'd be able to lie across the back of it, it looked fairly low and squat, but we bought it sight unseen on Costco's website and guess who didn't read the description properly. Our new chair arrived and lovely it is and comfortable beyond belief but....... it moves! Not only does it recline, it swivels too! I knew about the reclining bit but not the swivelling. Well hubby almost sent it back because 'the dog hates it'!! I kid you not! I told him the dog would have to get used to it and in fact it might not be a bad thing if he didn't lie across the back and squish it! We still have the chair which we both love and the dog hasn't spoken to us since!!! lol. x

    1. What are you both like MG & Hubs? I have this addiction of buying HRH new beds. One Ikea chair has been deflat-packed... of no more use. She now has two beds on legs, one a day bed, one for her at night in her own bedroom!?! As we have tiles throughout the ground floor, himself decided she needed to be off the floor. I then got her an Aldi special soft bed for her to sit with me as I work in the garden room. It is now on the floor beside our chairs in the Orangery, this you understand is purely a winter thing as her other bed just gets too hot by the log burner. This only comes out at night, after dinner has been served, you understand? I don’t want to spoil her do I? We are now driving to exciting venues out of town, in order for her to widen her circle of people she may have to press the flesh with in her new role as roving ambassadog of Ludlow. On our return I only suggested we get another bed for the back of the car to elevate her so she can see and been seen so much better by her adoring public. Do you think I’ve lost the plot?


    2. We’re in total agreement there then MG!


  2. I thought you were talking about someone else, until you revealed your princess, lol.

  3. Replies
    1. I think it’s when she demands I curtesy every morning and evening and call her Ma’am that my patience will hit the buffers... I been there before and don’t intend to return!


  4. She deserves all those beds I am sure! Alexi only has 2. An actual dog bed with blanket, and his crate ( both here in the front room) There used to be 3 when the Yorkie lived with us! He also likes to be on one of the leather chairs that has my thick cardigan on it (left there in case I am chilly of an evening!)

    1. The problem is most definitely mine, the last obsessive thing I needed was chairs, our rooms always looked like doctor’s waiting rooms, luckily without the patients. They bit the dust when we moved twice in quick succession, so there is hope the treatment is working!?!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...