
Sunday, 15 July 2018

The owl and the...

pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat.
Except the cat forgot to let the owl know of its plans.

This morning for the second time a beautiful black and white cat has been strolling along the wall of the prom.  I sent hubs across to retrieve the puss, mainly because  I wasn’t dressed! 

The traffic on the straight road has been known on occasions to exceed the speed limit... never, I hear you cry!  We know mog lives somewhere in the road behind our house.

Easy really, just coax it into your arms and carry it home.  After rolling on its back and generally being a feline tart, at the sight of a very determined man on a mission, the cat had other ideas!  Keeping just out of reach it sauntered under the camper van.

We had to go out on a mercy mission to A., driving back we spoke of whether there would be in the road a black and white flat- pack Davy Crockett hat?
No!  Next question, did the inhabitants lure it into their van and drive it back to Belgium or did pussy decide without owl the trip in the pea green boat was definitely off... so wandered home?


  1. It's for sure, wherever the cat went, the cat wanted to go.

    1. I agree...... however being a bit of a bossy britches, the ‘up yours!’ of cats rather gets my dander up... can’t for the life of me think why!?!


  2. You too modest to cross the road in your peignoir? Surely not!!!

    1. Now look here young Elaine, you forget I travelled in my dressing gown on the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch railway to Dungeness. No one, like no one, turned a hair... humour her, she is a bit odd... type of thing! Now peignoir, don’t you mean jim jams?


  3. Having five cats, I've had my share of under the car games. Luckily only a couple of them venture near the road and then not often. Hope it was safe.

    1. I love ‘the happy to oblige!’ of dogs. Although with my bolshy tendencies I rather think I was a cat in a previous life! I do admire their independence.


  4. The cat was in charge! :-) xx

  5. The cat surely went home. It was dinner time by then, he'd be hungry!
    Margaret P
    PS Which brings to mind the TV advert where a vet tests what he thinks is a cat and it turns out to be his assistant's furry hat (he should've gone to Specsavers, etc, etc) … well, when we were in The Range the other day (buying dishwasher tabs, nothing exciting) the chap in front of us at the check out was paying for a large grey animal-hair cushion (it was perhaps the most disgusting thing I've seen for sale in quite some time, the kind of thing where you think if you see it, "Who on earth would buy THAT?") and really, it reminded me of a deceased moggy. I'm sure 'your' moggy found his way home and didn't end up as a cushion!

    1. I would be no good as a checkout operator as I would be endlessly fascinated as to what folk buy. And I am afraid to say... judgemental!

      How many of the cat’s nine lives it expended to cross the road and head for home... who knows?



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...