
Thursday, 16 January 2020

They say..

get fitter ✔️
lose weight ✔️
get yourself a dog ✔️
first two courtesy of Ellie.
eat five+ fruit and veg a day ✔️
I struggle there as it’s more like 
twenty five!
Eat less salt ✔️ & ✖️
since coming to Ludlow we have noticed that just about everything here is high salt from sausages to  pub meals even to crisps, which we only have at weekends
eat less processed meat ✖️ & ✔️
it is difficult because our butcher makes such delicious sausages and scourge of healthy dieters the world over...
pork flaming pies!
eat more oily fish ✔️✔️
having a wonderful fishmonger we eat much more fish.
eat less saturated fat ✖️✖️
I love cheese, so I do have something in common with Boris!??
Butter at weekend-ish?  Cheese and butter to my knowledge aren’t addictive... in my world they blooming are!
Move ✔️
I will do more when I get my allotment!  I am signed up for circle dancing, although I have yet to tell I have two left feet! Talk about mystical, there won’t be much mystery when I join the circle and want to go the opposite way to the other gentle souls!?!  
Stay calm ✖️
How can you after two moves and shedloads of money paid for the privilege?
Meditate ✖️
Tonight we start classes again!

Any suggestions as to why my blood pressure is climbing after staying well managed with the two tablets I reluctantly take?


  1. Meditation might help..it has helped Pirate.
    Have a look at Breathworks UK videos with Vidyamala Burch. Five minutes of mindful breathing does make a difference

    1. Thanks gz I will definitely have a look. Must confess my mindfulness has flown out of the window. Like everything else you have to stick with these things to reap the reward.



  2. Because you're worrying about all the stuff you're doing and not doing?? Just breathe and relaaaaax. See, its easy!! bahahahahaha!! x

    1. I hate to admit it MG, I do tend to agree with you, I am throwing the infernal machine out of the window as we speak!


  3. Yes to Marksgran. Don't worry. Be happy. It really is a great start.

    1. Yes Joanne what a wise old woman MG is! Just wish I could practice what she preaches?



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...