
Sunday 18 February 2018

This living by...

the sea has its drawbacks.
We feel like we are permanently on holiday so our drinking has slowly increased.  It isn’t helped by us finding a superb, very unusual pub full of real ale drinkers... hairy?  Yes!  Interesting?  Very!
None of these posey village folk we had become horribly used to.

The thing we have found in Hythe above all else is the friendliness of all you meet.
Yesterday, a glorious day gave us a tiny taster of what the prom will be like in the summer.  A neighbour a few doors down said we had better get used to visitors walking along the front discussing our gardens, curtains and the like!  As the weather warms we will sit on our veranda and get to see what I consider the greatest free show on earth...
people watching, with the sea as a backdrop... what better?


  1. Sounds idyllic ...... I just saw your comment on Tom’s blog and want you to know that I can see your blog and comment on it !!!! XXXX

  2. Thank you! I am just grappling with my settings as Tom had suggested on another one of my blog posts. Trouble is I haven’t really got a clue as to how to correct things, I even googled it and then got in more of a muddle... worrying!?! I used to blog and it was just so simple and easy back in the day! I do enjoy it and will carry on.

    Looking back: more folk meant I got more outrageous, so maybe better pootling
    along in the shallows!


  3. When in Brighton, on Sundays we always wander along the prom for an hour or so before lunch; it is an essential activity.

  4. A win-win situation for both those looking in and those looking out. Never mind the curtains, or come to that the sea. ‘Did you see the state of that?’ As a man with a beer belly encased in an orange singlet and shorts strolled along the prom...


  5. Enjoying your blog. I live about 13 miles from you, know your town very well. Are your mad scales by Salter? I am familiar with the EEE etc and then it switches off while I am dithering about mid weigh ha ha.

  6. The funny thing is I am today on the home straight with the marmalade and don’t look now all is working well.

    The scales are not Salter, modern scales today have no stamina. They bog ‘off’ when halfway through proceedings leaving you not knowing whether you’re coming or going and if there is more than one ingredient to separate then...... The last fiasco resulted in me dividing up the oranges, sugar and stock to roughly half and half. Sound like a plan? A cunning one I thought. I now have some jars with lots of peel and some like jars of Spot the Ball competition fame. Not a sliver of orange in sight!

    All today thus far, is quiet on the Hythe Marmalade Front.


  7. I have no idea where Hythe is. So I asked HER who is my font of knowledge and herself knows not either, I suggested it might be near Brighton but no that is Hove. One thing I am thinking that it must be somewhere because most places are and it is on the coast.

    Do not be concerned about the uncouth youth for Tom's comments can be rather unkind sometimes and anyway your blog is fine!

  8. Yes, right in one, Hythe is somewhere, and that is just along the coast from Folkestone.

    Tom is to my knowledge, a sweet broth of a boy...



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...