
Saturday 9 May 2020

Our VE day...

we walked the iron age fortifications on the top of Clee Hill.  With each step we remembered the millions who had died in the 2720 years since the start of the iron age.
Walking the fallen stones of the keep seemed more poignant on a day celebrating our recent history.

A clear beautiful late afternoon in the embrace of our scary new world.  Strange days we are all living through.

Ellie, hopefully you can see in the foreground.
She walks past the sheep with their lambs without a glance.
We couldn’t have found a better companion: she brings us joy.


  1. You have moved to a place with so many lovely destinations at hand.
    Ellie is developing well. Nice to see that, and a happy dog too

    1. Yes Shropshire is a beautiful county, so much just on the doorstep, and we live in a quiet backwater in the centre of town.

      Ellie is one happy hound, fun to be around as well as a complete princess!


  2. What a beautiful area you live in. Ellie is looking great, I'm glad she's become the happy dog you hoped she would be. xx

    1. Shropshire, a complete not-looked for county to live, but one that has certainly hit the spot. i don’t think prior to coming to view this cottage I had ever been to Shropshire. My father’s favourite poem was A Shropshire Lad by AE Housman so at the very least he would be happy to see me here... just off to re-read it now...

      Be safe MG.


  3. She's a beautiful dog. You are all ageing well together.

    1. She is sweet, a complete pain at times, in fact not dissimilar from me! On the pain front obv! Sweet, sadly I have never been nor would want to be.


  4. Beautiful area, lots of stones. Proper hiking boots are a must, just for Mom and Dad not Ellie.

    1. Hiking boots-a-go-go... definitely. The unlooked for plus of steaming up Clee Hill is the steep five minute puff up to the town now is a breeze. I noticed it the other day, usually by halfway I am seriously thinking of whether my will is up to date? Not anymore!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...