
Monday, 28 May 2018

I hug...

that is what I do.
A hug to me speaks a million words.  What do you think?
Yesterday leaving the pub, I did my usual sweep of my favourite
people... men mostly.  Please don’t read anything into this?  I ought to explain, our local is like a party in someone’s front room, you more or less know every one.  As I was about to sweep out
Lady Docker-like minus the furs, obviously!  A woman said 
‘I love the way you hug, I hug trees!’  
I naturally gave her a big one telling her when Simon died in 2000, I went into the wood opposite where we lived and did just that.  The comfort it gave me was immense.  Alone in the wood with just my faithful, much loved dog. 
Her comment brought it all flooding back and walking home yesterday, I felt happy, content with my husband of ten years this October.
Hugs for me are the currency of life.


  1. Words are not needed when hugs are given. I was given a long loving hug from my daughter a few weeks ago when I was feeling sorry for myself. No words were said, but we each knew how the other felt. I'll never forget it as the hug was given at the right time for me.

    Joan (Devon)

    1. What better? Words can so often fall short, whereas a hug...


  2. Psychiatric nurse training , taught me how and why to hug!

    1. A tricky one to gauge, I would imagine?


  3. A hug says it all, doesn't it.

  4. I recall once of having the feeling of needing a hug. I was in a town where there was nobody that I knew that I could ask, it was so awful,
    an experience that I have never forgot.

    1. Why are hugs so important I wonder? An interesting topic. A hug needs no explanation, no excuse, comforting to give and receive.



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...