
Thursday 2 August 2018

Writing foibles...

I love to write.
My prose leaves a lot to be desired insofar
as being grammatically correct.  In fact I would say I enjoy doing things my way, for example using words to suit my style of waffle... wrong, but to me right for what I want to get across.
I love repeating a series of the same words, why?  Who knows.  The contrary in me I suppose.  I also enjoy making up words that to me are more descriptive of what I want to say.  It amuses my small brain.  My addiction to exclamation marks and my beloved question mark.  There really should be a rhetorical one that sort of floats slightly higher on the line, if you get my drift?  
I go weak at the knees when I read folk who can obviously write, it seems effortless.  Mine in comparison plods along, sometimes smoother than others.

The other odd thing is tapping out on a machine is where I find the 
words flow; with pen in hand I get all primary school ‘Write a day in the life of a penny’ composition ... bored!

I fire off a post and then think about proof reading!  I need a sub editor, on second thoughts, they would iron out all my funny little ways, then I might just of not bothered.  This at the end of the day is for me.
Why do you do it and come to think it, waste time reading mine?


  1. I was smiling all the way through this.
    I reckon language is a flexible, mobile thing and all of us can use it how we wish for our own purposes, providing, when it matters (such as for formal writings), we use the standard version.

    1. I suppose our writing reflects and defines us all. It is part of who we are.


  2. Imagine if all blogs were written by serious English language academics - how boring they would be! and I love a good exclamation mark too. (resisted the temptation to add another) and now I'm filling my spare hours writing blog posts I find a pen and paper is hard work (and have to keep apologising to penfriends). Anyway who says you can't write - I think you write well, you paint good pictures of life by the sea.

    1. I gettit... talking by letters as opposed to painting by numbers.


  3. I enjoy reading a smorgasbord of blogs - all the variety of style and content. It would be deeply tedious if they were all written in the same way. Your madcap and eccentric style is a delight and so often paints funny pictures in my brain. Love them!

    As for punctuation, can you tell that I simply grab a handful of pretty marks, throw them up in the air and let them land wherever they please. Weeks later I go back and read a post and blush with shame, but hey ho! Freedom of expression is what matters.

    1. Never blush with shame, it is not a good look. Folk will think ‘Blimey, how long has that lass been going through the change?’ Glow with pride is my tip even if in your heart of hearts you think ‘What a load of tosh!’


  4. Time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted. I think thats a 'famous' quote and I enjoy wasting lots of time! I also am addicted to exclamation marks!! And, I love reading your blog. Some blogs resonate with us, others not so much, yours resonates for me!

  5. I also love exclamation marks. In fact I wrote the whole of both sides of my family history inserting exclamation marks where I thought suitable, but on looking back on it am a bit embarrased by the amount there are. Never mind! I have to admit that I wrote it all out with pen and paper first before typing it up. In fact I prefer handwritten to typed even though I used to be a shorthand-typist in my day. I even write letters by hand and prefer this way to e-mails etc. My grammar isn't perfect, but I'm still trying.

    I was first drawn to your blog by your blog title Idle Thoughts as I was born in a village called Idle and I thought you may have had a connection too. I'm glad I'm here and a bit of waffle is refreshing, so carry on.

    1. I must have been born in its first cousin Bone Idle... do you know it perchance?


  6. If we can's use exclamation marks, then what is their purpose!!! I love 'em. Well, for my blog I do, and for your blog, I do. I'd not use them as often when I'm writing an article to be published, but they certainly are fun! They're like a huge grin, aren't they? And yes, a question mark for a rhetorical question would be very good. Perhaps we could do it thus: *?* instead of just ?
    Margaret P

    1. Writing for fun and your own personal enjoyment is so much better than formal. In fact if you think about it, the same could be said about life. The need the one to appreciate the other...


    2. Just gone and done exactly what I have been talking about and fired off your reply off without checking. ‘The need’ should read... ‘you need’... typical!


  7. I blog, because I have to. Simple. At least, that's the conclusion I've come to, when I've left blogging. I just have to do it.

    And it's my only so called *social media* place. Don't have time or energy, for the others. Blogging is my niche.

    1. You and me both. I did give up blogging for a while when all the awful things were being posted on line, trouble was, I missed doing a blog, so came sloping back. Like you, blogging is my only cyber vice.


  8. I kept journals for years ... then the internet came along and voila! why not have an online presence, thought I! and thought I'd died and gone to heaven when I discovered online journals. Now, though, I realize it's been great writing practice. -Kate

    1. The main thing I look back on in my diaries is... my flaming weight. Over lots of years of dieting., I had a lightbulb moment, I took a mean average of what the scales were telling me. Surprise, surprise over 300 odd years my weight had stayed more or less the same. What did that tell me... DIETS DON’T blooming work...

  9. Here is my post, using your question. Linking back to here, of course.

  10. Hmmmmm, that click-able link, didn't work. Maybe I messed it up. Maybe I will just type it out, below....

    Try again...

    Hahhhh... I did it, this time!!!!


    1. Thanks for that w.o.w’s. We do it because we ENJOY.



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...