
Thursday 7 May 2020

‘Look here I’m the...

diva around here, not you!’

Prima donna of many years standing takes on the might of a hairy heap called Ellie.

I blame myself.  She arrived last August a very sad one year old horribly ill treated and mentally scarred rescue collie.

Many years ago I got a six month old rescue who also had had traumatic start to her short life.
Her name was Lettice, I just love that name, if I’d had a daughter... sorry if you’ve heard that story?  When I took her to the vet, he said do her a favour and never feed her what you wouldn’t eat yourself.  He also went on the say it is a fallacy that dogs need a lot of meat, make a casserole of a little meat with vegetables being the main ingredient.  So for the next fifteen years that’s exactly what I did, she got that twice a day with a sprinkle of kibble.
All good so far!
When Ellie came I thought I will do the same.  I ought to say here I am a feeder, being a cheffette in a past life, I love providing tasty food for all, dogs included.  Now those that read my blog will know in the main I could be classed as a daft tart and I am! However when it comes to nutrition I am focused and know my onions, as it were!
Ellie comes into our lives and we both fall in love,  no, no not with each other!?!
At the start she was grateful for any crumb... who wouldn’t be?
As time has gone on she has decided that her dietary requirements differ from the chef’s.
Does she know who she has chosen to defy I idly wonder?

It started with me putting her kibble in with the wet food, which over time she decided she didn’t like, the resulting splodge offended her five Michelin star appetite.  I then served two courses, the main and and an amuse bouche(kibble)next.  Alright I know it should be the other way round, but at the end of the day she is just a dog.  Although the Times have approached her to take over Giles Coren’s column, best not tell him!?!
The next recent development is she has decided she will skip the second course and just concentrate on the cassoulet.  Err... excuse me who is the boss around here?
She is hungry, I am cross, the husband cowers behind the cooker colander on head...


  1. Lol, and from the looks of the photo she's claimed your rug too now! Dogs are very skilled manipulators of people. Our granddog is the worst! He has a dicky tummy and needs a steroid tablet every day so he's very fussy about food. My daughter boiled some chicken for him which he was fine with till he decided roast chicken tasted better! On the plus side he does like his veg whereas Sonny is able to spot a vegetable at a hundred yards and spits it out! He's been known to lick a vegetable clean of the gravy and leave a spotless bit of whatever in his dish! Just as well we love them!! x

    1. Don’t look now but... things could be set to take a turn of the worse... worserer even. Why? You might well ask? I have just looked at the duck crown bought on Tuesday which says do not use after the best by date and blow me down with a feather it was yesterday. Now I am fully aware of my cracking on especially to you MG about not being feeble and in times of war and pandemic these things go out of the window. However I do wonder about this blooming roast in the bag... yes I know what’s a cordon bleu chefette doing buying such things? However I am always game to try new cooking methods!?! This though if I do decide to not eat it ourselves, who springs to mind as the next best thing? Yes, the dog, who being presented with crown of duck will most definitely get even more exalted idea about her place in the pecking order!


  2. Do you just shrug your shoulders, toss the dinner and walk away?

  3. Yes, exactly that. She did come in from our afternoon walk in the woods and get straight into the morning’s kibble. I then served her dinner later and a few more kibble afterwards which she polished off in short order. She gets one home made biscuit first thing in the morning from Ted, no titbits at all during the day. We never feed her from the table. She is well looked after without a lot of extra treats. No surprise then she is beautifully slim as a collie should be. Just wish I could be the same with myself!?!


  4. My schnauzer has never refused any food what ever it may be! He just gobbles up whatever I give him...mainly kibble ( expensive hypoallergenic at the moment that isn't working for his skin!) and cooked veg if there is any left over.

  5. Lucy my cocker spaniel tosses her dinner all over the floor, so forget light aluminium and go for heavy china containers;) We have reached a state of equilibrium, she wolfs down all vegetables as I chop them up for my meal, and then when there is nothing going on at human scale she will condescend to eat dog food. But like the vet says they prefer our food.


This is...

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