
Thursday 12 July 2018


The streets were strangely silent?
An ideal time for a spot of cloak and dagger?  At my suggestion of a little light pilfering, he looked at me strangely, surely not after all these years?
Armed with secateurs and an outrider I set off.
The long straight coast road between Hythe and Sandgate was as I expected deserted, not a car in
sight.  We drove along all the while me scanning the verges between the golf course and the sea.  The odd car sped by, rushing to get home... can’t think why?
All the while as I gathered the object of my desire, hubs drove along aside keeping an eye out for trouble, as only a retired copper can!
The magnificent examples I had spied a few weeks ago had already been snaffled.  

Getting home, already beginning to itch, I did idly wonder if it was such a good idea?  Memories of another much more malign cousin of this still horribly fresh in my mind, even though it must have been twenty years ago when foolishly I allowed it into my embrace!  Another story, maybe?
This was my quarry...

Cow parsley!  
Now how to dry it... any ideas?


  1. Too late in the year for cow parsley, be careful you may come out in huge blisters. Ha g it upside down in shed, have you tried drying foxgloves at all.

    1. I will do as you say, hang upside down in the shed. No I haven’t, is it the same principle for foxgloves?


  2. Could be Hogweed, please be careful.

    1. Definitely not giant hogweed, that is the other skirmish I had, which tale of woe I will post about another day..

      Just wish I liked faux flowers, won’t give them house room! A safer bet admittedly!


    2. I don't like faux-flowers, either, Lettice, although a friend has some silk ones that look so beautiful - but they are not REAL, and it's the very ephemeral nature of flowers that I love so much.
      Margaret P

    3. Could agree more, especially now my orchids after what seems like forever slumbering are now beginning to flower. I did wonder whether the move might not suit them?


    4. I don’t know what I’m doing today, as once again I’ve fired my reply off without checking!?! ‘Couldn’t agree more!’ OBVIOUSLY!


  3. Doesn't cow parsley smell of wee? I love to see it in the hedgerows, but I've never tried drying it. It will be interesting to see if this works.
    Margaret P

    1. I love its form when dried, perhaps it would have been best to wait for it to dry in situ? In the meantime I will put one piece in a tall vase indoors, I will report back on the wee smell!


  4. I dry hydrangeas by putting the cut stems in a couple of inches of water and you let the water evaporate/be sucked up then you don't add any more water. It is supposed to do it more slowly to retain the colours . No idea if this would work for cow parsley. Sounds like your " dizziness" has abated? That's good! X

    1. Thanks for that Frances, I will definitely give it a go! The dizziness has gone, although I do feel a little light-headed and now wary of moving my head too fast! So might say for me to be more circumspect can only be a good thing?


    2. That should have read ‘some might say!’


A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...