
Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Life according to...

Something strange is happening and I can’t exactly put my paw on it?
Instead of us all piling in the car and going to different places, we don’t do that now!  Although I hated the journey in the car, the anxiety of it made me dribble and once I was sick.  I miss it!
We used to go out mid morning or after lunch, for a long walk, then if I was very good I could play in the college field late afternoon. Now we play in the garden all day, and I only get taken out once in the late afternoon.  That wouldn’t be too bad but we do the same walk every day.  And another thing, mum and dad avoid people, so much so  when we walk along the river where the path isn’t very wide I go and sit behind each bench waiting for them to pass, a trick I taught myself!  Mum  reads the inscription on some and goes... ‘Aah!’ ever so sadly, which makes me feel fearful.  And at the best of times I can still get worried about stuff.  It never worries me when she says
‘Bloody dog!’ 
when I have been naughty because even though my take on this funny language they speak isn’t that good I can understand when I am really in trouble, which I ought to say isn’t that often!  If I had a Bonio for every time they say how intelligent I am I would be a very rich mutt.


  1. Oh, Ellie, something strange is happening to all of us. You are a beautiful good dog so much that maybe all these strange new ways will be chased away in a couple of months.

    1. I’m good at chasing so best I get started... right now!


  2. Lettice, you are a bit of a collector aren't you? Your change of mind was very wise!
    I wonder, does Ellie shake when going for a car ride? Will she be comer when you sit with her in the back? She may be happiest when she is close to home?!...Any luck getting a Garden plot this Spring?...I have grown 30 Tomato plants from seeds and wrecking my brain were to plant them, my garden is very small. Do you have a little vegie plot at your new house?

    1. Yes, how right you are... A wise man changes his mind a fool never does! How true that is... not that I am wise mind you!

      Ellie has come from Ireland so whether the journey to the rescue centre was horrendous on top of being treated cruelly we will never know? She drools copious amounts, although a herbal potion rubbed around her ruff does seem to calm her a little. I have thought of sitting in the back although I would need to wear a sou’wester!

      The allotment is unlikely at this time as people are growing g things and unlikely to give up their plots. I am very close to the top though, if not top! Just a sprinkle of patience required
      not something I have in abundance!?! My garden is smallish paved mostly, sadly. It is a joy at this time though... it is truly amazing what nothingness you can do just pottering?


  3. I think I am losing the plot.....what plot is that you might think. I just stroked Ellie's head on the screen! She is lovely. Must drag my little fella ( the dog not the husband..he is still in bed!) out of the garden and go for our walk.

    1. You and me both kid! I am just in from playing in the garden with Cyril the now headless squirrel and blow me down if I didn’t chuck him into the tree. Alright alright I do know that is where he would long to be, plus his head obv.! However in these straightened times play we must as Ellie is just so demanding. I wouldn’t mind but I’m the diva around here! As the tree is a whopper I was lucky that Cyril only got as far as the lower branches and with a little light aerial hoeing I managed to save him!

      Trouble with going out this early is what the hell do you do with the rest of the day?


    2. So far ,I managed to string the dog walk out considerably by walking with ( 6 feet apart of course) a neighbour who I met, and then chatting outside her house for ages. I then got home and sat down with the puzzles from the paper. Next I bathed/showered the dog, who turned out to be even dirtier than I thought, and then cleaned the bathroom! Just ordered some special soap bar dog shampoo stuff online and so it is now nearly lunchtime! Enjoy your afternoon walk. x

  4. These are unusual times, Ellie. Keep an eye on your mum and dad, see if you can come up with some more games for them to play. The more you wear them out, the better they will behave.xx

    This part is for your Mum: I had a quick look at your book shelves yesterday but they seem to have disappeared now. I didn't have long, but I did spy one book, wondered whether you were mentioned in it? Other than that, lots of Nigel Slater books , Derek Jarman, plus the wonderful Alan Bennett - starting to struggle now, wish I had paid more attention! Oh, yes, Marmite and lots of cuddly toys. A very nice mix. Mexico was mentioned in there somewhere, but now I really have run out.

    1. Yes, Elaine I have been doing my best to keep the old codgers busy and feeling engaged with life, my fear is if they give up what happens to me?

      That post wasn’t my finest hour Elaine, mind you I have had a lot of iffy moments in my life, so nothing much changes! I got cold feet and thought even though it was true, that I enjoy looking at folks book shelves, now might not be the time to mention it?

      Yes you did spy right about one book amongst many others by the same person, all with flowery dedications!?! Alan Bennett is my all time favourite, I love that man! Derek Jarman also was an interesting man and his garden wasn’t that far away from where we lived in Hythe.

      I kick myself now about the shedloads of books I gave away, to what purpose? Even the hundreds of recipe books... gone. What was I like? When this is over I will slowly build them back up. And you didn’t notice the Pop Up Karma Sutra? Oh dear! Onwards and upwards, as they say!


    2. Darn it, I missed that one! Beatrix Potter - the works/writings of?

      It is a shame about your books, but regard it as an opportunity to hunt down some fresh ones - when life returns to some semblance of normality, though with any luck by then you may be too busy working on that allotment.

      Ellie, there is plenty of life left in them yet, don't worry.

  5. Hi Ellie, I nearly missed your post. I also meant to post up after your mum put up pictures of the bookshelves and I found we are way different in our reading habits! I would be very interested to see the popup Kama Sutra it has to be said, but don't tell your mum! Sonny is getting very used to us being at his beck and call all the time too. I think he will take it very personally when we all go out and leave him in the house on his own again! xx

    1. Mum says there’s not much MG misses? I don’t plan to be left anytime soon either, added to which us hairy heaps, let’s face it, are your get out of jail free card... so best you treat us right!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...