
Saturday, 25 April 2020

As we walked out of...

the forest and through the soon to be emerging bracken I was reminded of a time years ago in the Highlands.  The memory came flooding back of the melt down, the heat, the panic.  After struggling down the hillside with a hessian sacks on my shoulders full of peats, my job then was to fill the barrow and push it along the track through the bracken.  The day I remembered vividly was very hot, so was I!  As I brushed past the fronds overhanging the path clouds of midges swarmed up and homed in on me.  I am ashamed to say I had a total and utter meltdown... luckily no one was there to see, or come to that hear me.  I was tired, hot and had had enough, as Andy couldn’t drive it was my job to drive the loads home the eight miles along single track roads, past sheer drops into the sea and on getting home unload the sacks!
A chapter of a bygone era still there bubbling way, gone but not forgotten.  Recounting this tale of woe I then went on to say is  it any wonder folk think I am making these stories up?  Husband’s reply was straight to the point...
‘Most people have led a fairly conventional life, unlike you!’
I suppose he had a point.


  1. Oh I hear you! At this very moment I have 9 and counting midge bites on me and they are itching like mad! This is what happens here when you go down near the pond to work on a sunny day! They are all in the one area so I think it was probably one wee horror that did the chewing!
    You must have been exhausted that day, I can well imagine it. At least nobody saw you though! You have had some adventures in life it has to be said! xx

    1. Dear chum MG, if you only knew the half of it!?! Lots of capers, good, bad and sad, but for all that I wouldn’t change one jot!

      Be well, be happy, be SAFE...


    2. Perhaps you should write a book? Names could be changed to protect the innocent?! x

  2. Nor would I, change one jot, of you life or mine.


A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...