
Saturday, 18 April 2020

Ever so slowly the...

wheels are coming off!
Without really noticing it I have stopped waving the magic mascara wand over the old eyelashes.  I throw on any old combo of clothes always clean though.  In the past I have thought about the coming day’s ensemble and what the day has to offer and where my bird of paradise preening presence will fall out of the sky like an bird of prey locking on to an unsuspecting innocent!
You have to laugh at this old trout who until recently thought she was the epitome of well not exactly good taste.  An acquired taste sort of taste!?!
Now I am on the cusp of not even moisturising my neck for heaven’s sake.
One piece of advice I was given by a man who was told by his aunt your neck gives away your age quicker than all the rest put together!  The man bit the dust long ago, his aunt’s advice stays forever with me!

I suppose as I have a very distinct yen to be a bag lady this is a the first of many steps along the way to my goal.  Next will be not washing, no tiresome plucking of stray hairs on my chin.
Have you let standards slip, or am I the only one?
The obelisks arrived yesterday and before anyone thinks I shouldn’t have ordered them at this time, they were ordered long before this ghastly pandemic took hold.  The email arrived to say they were made and could Dave bring them on Friday.  He lives in Wiltshire, when I queried about him coming all this way he said he always delivered the obelisks himself.  He said he would naturally keep the regulation 2 metre distance.  My feeding gene was severely tested as I knew I couldn’t feed the man.  My usual MO is to bake and make tasty food for all comers.  He is a one man outfit who works in his workshop beside his home so his business carries on.  
The first one is in situ, the second one will be done when this 
tipping rain stops!


  1. Your obelisk is beautiful and I for one am glad you've kept a self employed person in business when the government help for the self employed is pretty damn useless.
    I too have let some things go in the name of comfort and convenience - elasticated joggies are my clothes of choice at the moment, although my daughter pointed out to me that I should try on 'fitted' clothing at least once a week to keep a check on the state of play!! She's right of course. I made the mistake of buying lots of reduced chocolate on my last trip to the shops - its still untouched as I like to leave potential bugs to curl up and die for a while but its been more than the recommended 72 hours now and I feel a craving coming on!! x

    1. Thanks MG. I think your daughter has a point about the elasticated trews! My problem is I am hardly ever out of them!?! I have for years been wearing baggy palazzo pants, that is my signature ‘look’!

      Choccie I can live without amazingly; cheese I can’t, which let’s face it is a whole heap worse! Strangely in all of this I have lost weight, how that has happened I really have no idea?


  2. Liking the obelisk - but intrigued to know what is growing within. Will it grow outwards & upwards to completely cover the obelisk? Or sit daintily down there while sweet peas clamber all over the structure?
    As for 'letting things go' . . . I read for longer in bed, then wake up later in the morning; wear my dressing gown for much longer before having a shower and getting dressed - minus the bra (oh such freedom!) Eat when I fancy it and eat what I fancy, even having a breakfast for my evening dinner; spend so much time in the garden, either gardening or reading, that I now have my full summer tan . . and it's still only April. 'Wine o'clock' has gone by the board so I can have a cheeky glass of Pinot Grigio in the sunshine, then retire to my bed for a siesta. Could get used to this.

    1. In the obelisk is the most beautiful bell shaped purple clematis, whose name I have no idea. Last year it scrambled up into the 40’ silver birch. In answer to your question I will let it romp where it will. Over time the obelisk I suppose will disappear.

      You really do sound as if you have things sorted. I love the idea of being bra less, trouble is I don’t have the bosom to allow me to do this. I do get them out after dark though!?! Your day makes me smile... good for you lassie.



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...