
Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Words fail me...

How did we get into this pickle of 
the rich/‘famous’ thinking they are such superior beings that they have the answer to the world’s ills?

Who exactly do they think they are in their gilded cage thinking folk’s dreary lives (in their exalted opinion!) need cheering up by their vacuous excesses!

I do hope you can read it?
A piece in today’s Times 2.

As if we haven’t had enough of that particular branch of the family bleating?


  1. Well to be honest L. they've got away with it for such a long time. Millions turn up and tune in when it happens, I guess if no-one turned up or watched on telly they'd get the message - maybe? But lets face it, its car crash telly. You turn on to see what the dress is like so we can trash her taste, or to see what the guests are wearing or not as the case may be! I suppose, to be generous, it must be hard to be one of the queens children full stop, but to be down the pecking order as most of them are must be harder still, particularly when you're spoiled rotten! And also, if there are never any consequences for your actions its pretty easy to keep being an ar****le! However, as I keep saying to hubby when he shouts at the telly - don't watch it (or in your case read about it!) think of your blood pressure!! xx

    1. When Charles takes over there will be a very slimmed down monarchy and that’s how it should be I personally think. Too much money has been spent on the folk who by accident of birth think it is their divine right for us to pick up the tab of their high flying lifestyles. The money (our money) could be spent so much better on for starters the NHS...


  2. Why do you read it if it offends you? Oh yes that's right it's so you can bore us all rigid with it. Do you really think we need cheering up by YOUR vacuous excesses?

  3. I totally agree with you...and Carol Midgley !
    On a similar theme......should Meghan and Mr. Meghan be made to refund the taxpayer for the huge amount of our money spent on their huge wedding now they have decided we are not good enough for them.

    1. What I do think is sad is that Harry has chosen to live in a country with Trump as president as opposed to his grandmother as queen! I don’t think it will be long before he is home.


    2. Don't be so sure Lettuce, he's now married to a very strong willed woman who aims to get what she wants. She's no intention of letting him come home. He's already given up his surnames of Mountbatten Windsor and Wales. Known only by his Christian names now, after all they're now in celebrity world where you don't need a surname - Beyoncé, Madonna etc.

  4. That is a fair point Frances, why can't people be married quietly (or live in sin as partners;). We have to live with the ridiculous spectacle of flash amounts of money spent on shows of abundance. I think it is called entertainment!

    1. Maybe this awful pandemic will make people see all this froth, privilege, celebrity, call it what you will, for what it actually is? Totally meaningless...


  5. The affluent are so out of Touch with the Reality of the masses, who don't and won't ever enjoy such privilege, that they are truly as clueless as exalted opinions clearly reveal! However, it is particularly crass to flaunt preferential lifestyle during the horrors of a Worldwide Pandemic when so many are suffering! I hardly think anyone whose lost a Loved One to the Virus or can't afford Groceries is going to be Cheered by an ostentatious Wedding bankrolled by those who are in the Trenches and suffering most!

    1. Hear, hear! That particular branch of the family seem to have no shame, they just blunder from one jaw dropping cock-up (I use the term loosely) to the next without the merest shadow of a qualm.


  6. The Queen is wonderful. You're nothing but a lot of traitors!

    1. Yes, I agree the Queen is wonderful, she has done a superb job. It is the minor royals I have a problem with. The particular branch of the family I was referring to by their actions have been a disgrace to her.



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...