
Sunday, 12 April 2020

If you’ve ever kept...

hens you will know they sometimes lay an egg had hasn’t formed a shell.  The egg is just covered in   a soft membrane.
That’s exactly how I felt yesterday when I ventured out for the first time for weeks.  I felt strangely exposed and vulnerable?
My reason for getting in the car and going to our local pet superstore is that like a clot I had ordered on-line the wrong dog kibble.  I phoned to see whether they had Ellie’s usual brand, and as they had, I decided now was the time for me to venture out.  The girl that got the bag out of the car, sneezed three times, I really resented feeling a tad anxious, not at all like my usual carefree self!  The store was operating a strict rotation of customers.  All good until I asked the same girl if she could help me get to the flavour at the bottom of the pile of bags.
She came up keeping the regulation 2 m distance and said
‘This is the same brand you have just brought back!’
Well my flabber had never been more gasted!
‘What an idiot!’
Good job it was her otherwise I would have trundled home with the exact same one!
This self isolation is having an odd effect?  It was quite obvious I had left my brain back at home!
I needed some vegetables so seeing the queue was just a few people I donned my gloves and waited.  Once again the little supermarket at the garage next door was being very strict with one in, one out.
I got what I wanted and drove back through a deserted Ludlow feeling relieved and happy to be home.
Strange times we are all living through.

Happy Easter!  
Be well and most of all be safe!


  1. I just told Sonny today he'd better get used to gravy bones treats instead of his prefered mini Markies! They don't sell Markies in my local supermarket and unfortunately I didn't stock up enough before the big lockdown. They do however sell gravy bones so it'll be like it or lump it chum! I hate going to the shops now, even though in our area there has been no bother with keeping your distance in the store, it just feels unsafe now which is very sad. I think this whole thing is affecting everyone in one way or another. Even my dog is totally confused. He does not leave my side at the moment, I'm not sure why as I've never been anywhere for him to worry about! I hope you managed to stock up on some chocolate for an Easter treat while you were shopping. I'm all ready for the Easter bunny - I even gave the milkman an Easter egg! Not that I ever see him, he sneaks about at midnight delivering the milk! Anyway, I'm clearly needing a chat as I'm rambling on here. Have a lovely Easter. xx

    1. Funny how dogs pick up so much more than we think? Choccie? No not an Easter egg in sight, I am not a chocolate fan, although I have made us a chocolate fudge cake... does that count!?!


  2. I like the analogy .
    Strange times indeed.

    1. Just a few short months ago, nobody could have foreseen this. Let’s hope we all in our various ways come out the better for it with more thought for others and the world that gives us all life.


  3. I hope you had a nice day. Better times will come.

  4. Yes we had a lovely warm relaxing Easter day. Let’s hope the better times will come with us all reevaluating how we conduct ourselves in this fragile world we live in.



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...