
Wednesday, 8 April 2020

‘Mirror, mirror...

on the wall which foot has the ugliest corn of them all?’
I have been set on a mission by my lovely 95 year old ‘Mum’ Audrey.
The other day, she said in passing that she had broken her mirror which she needed to see the bottom of her feet!
‘Oh dear that means seven years bad luck, that will make you 102 before your luck turns!’ I said.
She laughed as she with all her health worries isn’t going to let the common old Covid get her!
I need a new magnifying mirror to see the bottom of my feet (she’s diabetic) and to see the blisters  that keep bursting in the paper- thin skin of her legs.
Now I’m nothing if not dynamical when it comes to getting on the case of real need for a very vulnerable person.  I found what I thought would be ideal and got it sent pronto.  All good as she was amazed at the speed of its arrival.  Next day, I got a rocket!  Where is the invoice? I plaintively replied this is our Easter present, as we haven’t been able to get out and get you one.  She wasn’t having any of it!  Added to which it wasn’t at all suitable?  I then located just the identical one from John Lewis I had, and duly got that ordered.  I then sent the copy of what was coming together with the order confirmation showing the price.
I sat back thinking she can’t find fault with this as it is just what she was looking for!?!  Two emails came in quick succession to say stop the order.  She would wait 
until the hardware shop reopened and she could choose her own!  You really have to admire her style for thinking she would be still alive when the blooming hardware shop sprung into life again!
I did try to cancel the order but time had gone between me placing the order and trying to cancel it.
She was going to faceTime me last night, I had my mirror to hand to show her exactly what was due to arrive.  Audrey emailed to say as she had been far too busy yesterday she was tired and didn’t have the energy to talk.   
Then I got a video about laughing yoga, which she found highly amusing and so did I.
My love but most of all my admiration for her knows no bounds... 
What a woman!
I still haven’t told her the mirror is on its way and another rocket will be fired off at me... Am I bothered?
Not a bit!

Taken a few years ago now... 


  1. Aw, she sounds adorable! I love that she has such faith that she'll be off to the hardware store as soon as it opens again - lets hope the store survives this! My mum can't wait for freedom to enter the hallowed halls of Home Bargains again!! I took her to the doctors yesterday and returning she asked to stop at Tesco for some shopping. I made her wait in the car while I got it and then she wanted a print out of her bank balance which I duly got her and she was amazed. She's saved so much money since lockdown because she's.... well locked down! I'm pretty sure the first place she'll go on getting her freedom will be, yes you guessed it, Home Bargains! Enjoy sparring with your very able partner! Keep it clean. xx

    1. Audrey faceTimed me this evening, boy was she on a roll. Talk, talk, talk, I even showed her the mirror, which we had to weigh to see if it was the weight of a cup of tea, any heavier and it would be no good. Luckily it was a good few ounces lighter! She said I looked pained and drawn, not really surprising after nearly an hour of chat with out pause for breath, well her I couldn’t get a word in edgeways. I have to bellow because she is very deaf, so it wasn’t long before I was coughing, which she decided was me in the embrace of the dreaded virus! She really is incorrigible. after 50 minutes I really did need to lie down in a darkened room. Audrey, well she was fine...


  2. I suppose we hold on to these small tasks to keep our independence as we age! never mind, it was kind of you to try to help.

    1. I am amazed at how I am the turn-to to get things done, then get a rocket if I rise to the challenge and some!?!


  3. She's a good'un...like her daughter 😎

    1. I love her, she born the year after my own mum who died at 48. She’s highly intelligent, articulate and has had one helluva life. She says I am the only one who she can talk candidly to about her dying and we do! I once said that I hoped she died in her sleep... ‘Oh no! I want to be fully aware, as it is something I will only experience once!’ she tartly replied... no answer to that is there?


  4. Replies
    1. I said to her only last night there are all these old folk that the world is conscious of being alone and isolated especially now and there’s you too busy doing things! What, who knows? She has been driving until fairly recently, the fact she can’t feel her legs from the knees down is neither here nor there in Audrey’s world. I have said ‘ Audrey kill yourself by all means but NOT innocent people!’ She still cracks on about taking a police test for them to ascertain whether she is competent to drive! With things as they are now it won’t be happening, for that I am grateful!



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...