
Saturday 29 February 2020

The exhibition...

on at Olympia sounded just my cup of tea.
It was called something along the lines of 
‘The Spiritual Health and Well-being Show’
With me being an ageing hippy crossed with Mother Earth I just had to troll along and find out more?
I seem to think it was shortly after Simon died.  I was ripe for the discovery of whether there really was an afterlife... or so I thought?
At one stand I passed a lady stepped out and said you have the most wonderful aura!  I really didn’t know what to say?
What do you say?
One of the talks I booked for was an American woman who tuned in to guides.  No, not Girl Guides but the guides apparently we all have.  This I have got to hear!  The place was packed, as she got into the zone I felt more and more disgruntled as folk put their hand up and asked if they had a guide.
‘Oh yes and yours is called 
Big Foot Running Bear!’ 
or some such twaddle.  As the names got more and more fanciful I got more and more twitchy.  I was sat in the middle of the hall and the middle of a row of enthralled faces lapping it up.  Now, I thought how can I get up and discreetly slip away?  There was no way I could see.  I couldn’t stay a minute longer.  As if by magic my hand shot up...
as if by even more magic her eye caught mine.  Fully expecting a similar question her brain was  trawling like the Enigma machine through her book of most outrageous Indian chief guide names.  Fully expecting a similar question she kindly enquired as to my request.  Imagine my surprise as from out of my mouth these words issued forth...
‘I need to get away as I don’t believe a word of it!’  
A hush fell over the hall, the faces of rapture took on a meaner glint.  As I sidled past dagger looks dogged my every step.  I walked up a silent hall with a sea of blunt-force trauma glares accompanying my every move.
Relief spread over me as I went to walk out of the hall.
By the reception desk a man said very quietly you maybe interested
 to know your mother is your guide!
My heart filled to overflowing as I stumbled away as my lovely mum died in 1971 and I still miss her.

This memory I have just remembered thanks to Rachel’s blog post ‘Missing mum!’ on my side bar.


  1. Oh how I applaud your bravery! I'd have sat there and suffered I'm afraid. What a nice reception man to tell you your mum was your guide, sometimes we just need to hear the right thing. I want to be spiritual, I want to believe in angels and the power of attraction and all that stuff, but its very hard when real life is so damned harsh for some people. I was reeled in with the book The Secret and I did all sorts of positive thinking and to some extent it worked. I think there is a very scientific reason why it worked but I struggle with the bit that says we can all have everything we want if we just attract it to us with thought. I don't think people who are poor or ill or homeless or whatever really want to be that way and of course it can all be explained away but its hard to believe the world only works properly for those who think happy thoughts! The jury is out - it might be a while before it returns! xx

    1. I wasn’t brave, something or someone powered me out of that seat, gave me the courage to make an exit rather than limbo dance along the tightly packed row. I needed out! Just about to look up The Secret: at the mo I feel the need for the power of positive thought!


  2. Very interesting.
    There is something in it, but I don't know what.
    Pirate's brother died when he was 17 and his nephew only just conceived. He has been told that he is living his life for two...and his nephew is thought to be his brother when they are together....

    1. I’m with you on this, no one has come back to tell us though. The awful thing is my mother died suddenly just a few weeks after the birth of my son, I felt that I paid for the one with the other. She was so excited that her only child was having a baby, she did at least see him and enjoy that all too fleeting relationship. For that I am grateful.


  3. If you mother is your guide, you don't need to believe more.

    1. Right in one Joanne. All the years since she died I have talked to her in times of need, happiness and sadness. I feel she is there for me. In my defence I like to think that it isn’t just me getting dolally in old age!?!


  4. What an interesting story L. I would definitely believe that your mother was your guide, no doubting it. I experience things like this, though not exactly of course, and always believe that at the moment it happens it is meant to be and there is someone behind it, and that person is my mother. Thank you.

    1. Thanks to your post about your mum Rachel that I remembered that interesting experience. As I walked away I thought how did he know my mother was dead? It certainly made me think and yes like you I always feel her there so many times. I often think she would be so interested and proud of the things I have got up to in my life. As I’ve often said, there is nobody quite like your mum.



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