
Thursday, 2 April 2020

For the life of...

 me I can’t remember who actually gave me this...

I think it was my friend Julia.  Who I worked with lots of years ago in an employment agency.  She was a full-on sort of a woman, not full-on in a Kama Sutra sort of a way but she made complaining an art form.  Truth in her tales didn’t figure largely.
As she sat opposite the door to the office, she had first sight of whoever came in.  This way channelling the odd balls and downbeats my way.  She would pick up the phone making an ‘important’ call if she didn’t like the cut of their jib!  Me, well I was there to find people a job so I moved heaven and earth to get them a suitable placement.  As a consequence I got quite a following of folk who until I hit town had not been shown the due respect they thought they deserved.  One girl I remember so well, a rather large lassie, who prior to coming out to look for a job had obviously showered and liberally talcum powdered all the important bits.  Whether it was to prevent the chaffing of thighs we’ll never know? She certainly left an indelible impression on us, as the plastic seat she sat on carried a perfect powdered 
impression of her bum.  Try as we might with soap and water it never came off... why?  Who knows?  Maybe the oil from her body?  It  was my job to find everyone of them a job!  It wasn’t always easy.  Now I am not making myself to be a paragon of virtue, far from it.  As the door closed I would do three laps of the ceiling  complaining that once again I was set up.  Julia would laugh and on we would go.
On one occasion she came to stay with me in York, she had a young Spanish bloke in tow who she was quite taken with.  On our day trip to Whitby as I drove us past the Fylingdales military radar tracking station she turned in the passenger seat to ‘Jose’ and told him some cock and bull story about the tennis ball domes on the skyline.  His English wasn’t that good so some I suppose, got lost in the translation!?!
Under my breath I said
‘Why an earth did you tell him that  load of old bull?’
She laughed saying
‘He would have enjoyed my story much better than the truth!’
I couldn’t argue with that, as I certainly had!
She was incorrigible!
I couldn’t help but like her.
Sadly she died many years ago.
I am sure it was just the sort of book Julia would have given me.


  1. That's your story and you're sticking to it? We won't judge you if you bought it yourself! :P xx

    1. Why would I want to do that MG? The very idea! Pop up too! I used to keep it along with some interesting celeb photo’s, no names, no pack drill, in the downstairs loo. Sometimes folk went in to spend a penny and were gone some time!?! Anyway it is interesting to hear your two penn’orth for what it’s worth!?!


  2. My Julia died years ago. I would never make a post of this story, but I will tell you.
    It was my first job; I was 21. June had 2 children. She sat at the desk in front of me, and helped me navigate being an adult. Haha. She called off work one day. Not there the next day either and our supervisor said there had been a fire at the house and they were meeting insurance agents and such. Turns out, she was not sick the day she called off. She and her husband went shopping. June ran her cigarette under the kitchen faucet and tossed it in the trash. Off they went and came home to the kitchen on fire.
    Her name was June. I called her June bug; she was a lot of fun and made me laugh.
    That was like 1965. Fast forward to the nineties, 30 odd years later. My sister had a friend over who was a true psychic. I came in from work and complained the auditors were driving me nuts. The psychic said "June bug says tell them to lighten up or you will throw all the money straight up in the air and quit!" I asked the psychic, Who is June? "Your guardian angel", she replied. Well, June would have said that.

    1. Just got up to this wonderful comment, thank you Joanne. What a story! Funny the folk you meet in life and how although in so many ways you have nothing in common... strangely you do. Your June bug sounds very similar to my Julia, a total character, the world needs more of these people, never more so than now!

      Keep safe


  3. The mind boggles regarding what might pop up in a 'Pop Up' Kama Sutra book!!!! Lol, lol.

    1. Yup it’s quite a book! Typical Julia gift, years later a way to remember a fine if odd friend?



A year has gone by...

and the sourdough saga continues, nothing much changes, apart maybe my level of frustration at my tarnished bread making skills of a ferment...